Urgent Action for Argentina Jun24

A new Urgent Action for Argentina has been published. It’s not yet on the AIUK website, so please follow the link below to take action. It’s currently an online only action.
Since the new government took office in Argentina in December 2023, large-scale demonstrations have erupted protesting against fiscal cuts and the undermining of human rights. Against this backdrop, some very concerning regulations have been implemented criminalizing protesters and permitting the unlawful use of force against them.  A violent police operation during protests on 12 June resulted in 33 people being arbitrarily detained and charged with several offences, including attacks on constitutional order and democratic life. We urge the prosecutor to immediately drop the charges against them.
(The Spanish version of this action is here https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/amr13/8184/2024/es/  – I know some of you prefer to send emails in the language of the recipient)
Please copy your emails to the Argentinian Embassy:-
Please feel free to contact me directly if any queries about this or anything else of concern.
Thanks for your support.

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