Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 10 million people in over 150 countries and territories who campaign to end abuses of human rights.

We are the South America Team of Country Coordinators at Amnesty International UK. Country Coordinators are volunteer activists who specialise in Human Rights campaigning for specific countries around the world.

Amnesty UK Country Coordinators play a significant part in leading grassroots activism in the UK to achieve human rights change in the country they work on. They are responsible for mobilising volunteers, organising events and campaigns, and engaging with communities in the UK to build support for human rights issues. By leading grassroots activism, our Country Coordinators are helping to amplify the voices of human rights defenders and draw attention to the issues that matter most to individuals and communities.

The South America Team of Country Coordinators are:-

Richard Crosfield (team coordinator), Country Coordinator for Colombia and Brazil. Richard has been an Amnesty International Activist since 1996, first at Amnesty Spain before taking on the role at AIUK. He has lived in Colombia, speaks Spanish and has travelled extensively in Latin America. Richard lives in Tunbridge Wells.

Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay: Graham Minter,
Venezuela: James Baird,

David Rogers, Country Coordinator for Argentina and Chile. David joined Amnesty International in the 1980’s and has been active within the Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch group since 1991. This group has consistently focussed on South America and David has always coordinated this campaigning.

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