Urgent Action for Argentina Sept24

A new Urgent Action for Argentina has been published. It’s not yet on the AIUK website, so please follow the link below to take action.

President Javier Milei vetoed a bill that had been passed by Congress to improve pensions for older people. This was to adjust for the large loss of purchasing power they have suffered in recent months. This Urgent Action is to urge the Congress to insist on approving the law as a measure towards the guarantee of a dignified standard of living for older people.


(if you prefer to work with the Spanish version its here https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/amr13/8497/2024/es/)
This is a letter to the Chamber of Deputies; not specifically to one Congress person.

We have been sent individual congress members to email.  There are four main targets:-

• Congressman Rodrigo De Loredo: rdeloredo@hcdn.gob.ar
• Congressman Germán Pedro Martínez: gpmartinez@hcdn.gob.ar
• Congressman Miguel Angel Pichetto: mpichetto@hcdn.gob.ar
• Congressman Cristian Ritondo: critondo@hcdn.gob.ar
then an additional seven…
1. Congresswoman Pamela Caletti
2. Congressman Juan Manuel López
3. Congresswoman Ana Carla Carrizo
4. Congressman Martín Tetaz
5. Congresswoman Silvia Lospennato
6. Congresswoman Luana Volnovich
7. Congresswoman Mónica Fein
If you email please also CC Amnesty Argentina so they can track the emails sent and be able to share with other authorities at direjecutiva@amnistia.or.ar
With both letters and emails, please CC (or write directly to) the fairly new Ambassador in London.
Her Excellency Mrs Mariana Edith Plaza
Ambassador of Argentina
The Embassy of the Argentine Republic
65 Brook Street
London W1K 4AH
Social Media
As with most Urgent Actions we are supplied a link to an internal folder with social media suggestions (and sometimes other assets). Please let David know if this is something you would like more information on.

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